Wednesday, July 7, 2010

How do you encourage someone to stay on the Natural road?

Last night I was talking to my mom and she was really disappointed in her current hair style. After seeing my crochet braids, my mom had tree braids done as her protective style. As you know, my mom and I are both transitioning. Well it seems the braider did a very poor job the second time around. My mom was so frustrated and said “I should just go get a perm and wear my hair.” Of course I responded by saying “Mom you can wear “your hair” without having a perm.” Maybe I’m a little naïve because it shocked me that my mom thought she couldn’t wear “her hair” without a relaxer. Well her response to my last statement was “my hair doesn’t like to co-operate with me.” Of course, I told her that it takes a lot practice and finding the right products for her hair.

So my plan of action is to send her an email of different sites for natural and transitioning sisters as encouragement. Hopefully, she doesn’t cave in to the creamy crack. At this point my mom has been transitioning since November 2008 (I think) and I thought she embraced her new growth. Hopefully, I can talk her out of taking the plunge and she continues to transition. She only has a couple of inches of relaxed ends left but of course the shrinkage is stopping her from BC’ing at this time. I totally understand her feelings because I share them. Any help from you guys is greatly appreciated! As always, I’ll keep you posted!!


Tiffany said...

Wow, I hope she sticks with it. SHe is almost to 2 years and I know she would hate to give up now.

Peace, Love and Chocolate

Ms. Harmony said...

Absolutely!! I sent her an email with links. I have to follow up with her and keep encouraging her to stay the course.
