Monday, February 1, 2010

When “life” happens…improvise!

Last weekend my bf and I had the perfect Saturday planned. On the agenda were two friend’s birthday parties, skating, and just hanging out. The protective styles of choice was a twist and curl on rods after viewing several videos on you tube. I finally had enough courage to try the style on my ten month transitioning hair. Also, my plan was to wash my hair on Friday night but I was tired and settled for a co-wash the next day.

1. Co-washed with V-05

a. Added pure glycerin (first time using this way)

2. Leave in – Kera Kare Humuctant conditioner (KKHC)

3. added pure glycerin to my hair as well

4. sealed with coconut oil

5. Totally Twisted styling gel for twisting my hair (TTSG)

Now I started this process early Saturday morning. Once the prepping was complete I twisted my hair in sections and rolled with small/medium size magnetic rollers. I sat under the blow dryer for 30 minutes and planned to air dry until the fun festivities started that night. Well here is where “life” happens….

My new puppy, RJ, had a crazy hacking spell Saturday. Since I’m a new puppy owner and had no idea what to do I rushed him to the emergency vet. Leaving the house with the rollers in my hair was not an option. A quick fix was to take the rollers out, pin curl, and hope for the best. For the rest of the day I wore my scarf and with a cute carpenter hat. All I can do is wish the best for my hair since this is my first time trying the style. This hair day was full of experimentation. The first experiment was the protective styles. The second experimentation was adding pure glycerin to my co-wash and using KKHC and glycerin as a leave in. The third experimentation was the TTSG I used for the first time which I was quite pleased with: no crunchy hardness. I have to try the product a couple more times before making it a staple.

Now for the reveal! The twist and curl which for me turned into a twist and pin curl came out okay. My relaxed ends are very thin compared to my new growth so I had to battle knotting. Yes and tackling knots was a first for me; but I was successful just by taking my time and using coconut oil to unravel the twists. However, on the flip side my hair was very well moisturized from using the KKHC and pure glycerin as my leave in. My twist were soft and fluffy so I planned to experiment with conditioner and glycerin more often.

Needless to say I didn’t wear my twists down but it made for a very cute updo. Once I’m completely natural I will definitely try this style again. Who knows I may even try it again on my transitioning hair.

Here is a picture of me and my boyfriend having a great time. He loved my hair by the way! :*)

This is me after the club at 3am.

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