3/14/09 Today is relaxer day! Yay!! I was so excited to finally get my relaxer. 14 week stretch is definitely my max. Before going to the shop I sprayed my hair with glycerin and rose water. I mainly focused on my roots. Arria mentioned that my hair was very well moisturized and what I’ve been doing seem to work. She also mentioned that my hair is definitely getting thicker. That is a major plus. In order to keep up with my no heat challenge, I got a rod set and no trim. I plan to blow dry my hair straight for a length check to post at the end of the month. This will only happen when length checks are done.
Reading this entry in my journal 15 months later made me chuckle at the thought that then 14 weeks of stretching was a big deal. At that time, I started a personal challenge for myself to stay away from thermal heat for a year which worked out pretty well. Also, I decided to experiment with trimming my own hair because it seemed my stylist, at the time, was cutting off my progress. Here are a couple of pics of my relaxed hair. There is a three month time lapse between the first two pictures. These pics were taken after my relaxer and trim. After the second stretch I was fed up and started watching you tube videos on how to trim. Three months after my last trim in December 2008 I retained some length.