Monday, October 31, 2011

The road to a perfect smile - 6 week update

Yesterday marked the six week mark of having my invisalign. A little over a month later I’m still happy with my decision and excited to see the final outcome. The invisible braces are so discrete and no one has noticed them and those who know forget I have them. So far the only drawback is not using my electric toothbrush. Right now I’m using a regular toothbrush because my teeth are very sensitive. Every two weeks when I change trays my mouth aches for the first day which is normal. The aches I experience surely are the same as getting the metal braces tightened regularly. A little pain once every two weeks for the next eight months is a small price to pay for a beautiful smile.

This is not a true smile just a picture to show progress.

So far I’ve noticed small changes in my teeth but again it’s only been six weeks into the process. The aches I mentioned before are particularly around my trouble a tooth which is expected. Yesterday, I started my fourth set of trays and my teeth are more sensitive than usual. The extra sensitivity does not worry me because at this point my teeth are really starting to shift. The next week I have a dentist appointment for follow up and pick up the rest of my trays.

Thanks for traveling this road with me! Ciao!!

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