Recently, I had the opportunity to meet up with other naturals and transitioners in my city. The Curly Girls are Curly Niki followers and these women are fierce. We met at the Cheesecake Factory for brunch to talk natural hair and have a great time. At this meet up I realized that I’m not alone with experiencing different emotions along my journey.
On my Journey, now at the ten month mark, I’m having mixed emotions that others seem to run into at their six month mark. The battle is between staying the course, doing the BC, and relaxing. Yes, that’s right relaxing! Right not my hair is the healthiest and longest it has EVER been; I’m so excited! Ever now and then I toy with the idea of relaxing my hair to enjoy the length I never had. Just as soon as the thought crosses my mind, I think about how limp and lifeless my hair was relaxed. Then I start to think of all the bad habits I may fall back into. Besides I love the thickness and fullness of my new growth and once relaxed my fullness is gone.
Sometimes I ponder about doing the BC (Big Chop). I never had hair as short as four inches and honestly it scares me. Right now, confidence to sport a TWA is lacking. Fear always finds a way to snap me back into reality about the BC. Since doing the BC is scary for me and starting over with a relaxer frustrates me, staying the course is the only option. I’m realizing that my transition is going to take a lot of patience, dedication, and work on my part. Yes, I’m willing to put in the work. My new found natural friends have encouraged me to stay on track.
I look forward to our monthly meet ups because at this stage in my journey constant encouragement is needed. Despite my mental see-sawing between being natural and relaxed, I love my new growth and the texture of my hair. My hair is beautiful and healthy which is most important. I’m going to continue my journey to natural hair by slowly transitioning.
Chocolate Chip Banana Bread
5 months ago
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